Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4827, comment 7

Apr 2, 2011, 9:50:56 AM (12 years ago)
Domagoj Šarić


  • Ticket #4827, comment 7

    initial v1  
    11I'm sorry but this is IMO a too quick/simple dismissal of the presented arguments. The issue identified by the ticked is the (possibly) unnecessary Windows vs POSIX interface distinction. In the linked-to boost.devel thread a proposal is given on how the _interface_ could be redesigned to erase this distinction and in the same thread and the comments for this ticked two proposals for the _implementation_ of this change are given, one of them being the Native NT API solution.
    23Dismissing one implementation proposal does not invalidate the entire ticket. Further more, the dismissal of the one implementation proposal (the Native NT API one) is not validly argued. IOW why would the need of admin priviledges invalidate this solution? For this limitation to be enough to invalidate the proposal one would have to show that there is actual need/an actuall use case for kernel-life time memory mapped objects for non-admin users on the Windows platform. The very fact that the Windows platform explicitly does not allow this hints that probably this is not the way these things are done on that platform...