id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5046 directing tuples to ostream does not work as expected anonymous Steven Watanabe "Assuming 'out' is a std::ostream the following code produces wrong output: {{{ out << boost::tuples::set_open('[') << boost::tuples::set_close(']') << boost::tuples::set_delimiter(',') << std::setw(21) << std::right << some_boost_tuple; }}} Instead of being within a field of 21 spaces, the tuple is appended to those spaces. When fixing the bug - is it possible to also account for double precision settings by '<< std::std::setprecision(integer)'? That would be really helpful if dealing with tuples containing doubles. TIA Christian Meesters" Bugs closed To Be Determined tuple Boost 1.45.0 Problem fixed tuple output formatting meesters@…