id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5116,ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initscidbclientlibpy),michael_fabbri@…,Dave Abrahams,"bjam compiles and links the following c++ file, but when the module is imported into python the error message in the summary line of this ticket is reported. class pyBase: public SciDBRemote { private: public: SciDBRemote py_SciDB; pyBase(int i) { int j = i; j++; py_SciDB = _sciDB; }; SciDB& getPySciDB() { return py_SciDB; } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(SciDBRemotePy) { class_(""pyBase"",init()) .add_property( ""py_SciDB"", make_function(&pyBase::getPySciDB, return_value_policy())) .def(""disconnect"", &pyBase::disconnect) .def(""connect"", &pyBase::disconnect) .def(""executeQuery"", &pyBase::executeQuery) .def_readwrite(""_sciDB"", &_sciDB) .def(""getPySciDB"", &pyBase::getPySciDB, return_value_policy()); What does this python import error means with regards to the boost.python library, and what boost.python feature must be used to resolve it? Thank you ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,python USE GITHUB,Boost 1.40.0,Problem,fixed,,