id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5116 ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initscidbclientlibpy) michael_fabbri@… Dave Abrahams "bjam compiles and links the following c++ file, but when the module is imported into python the error message in the summary line of this ticket is reported. class pyBase: public SciDBRemote { private: public: SciDBRemote py_SciDB; pyBase(int i) { int j = i; j++; py_SciDB = _sciDB; }; SciDB& getPySciDB() { return py_SciDB; } }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(SciDBRemotePy) { class_(""pyBase"",init()) .add_property( ""py_SciDB"", make_function(&pyBase::getPySciDB, return_value_policy())) .def(""disconnect"", &pyBase::disconnect) .def(""connect"", &pyBase::disconnect) .def(""executeQuery"", &pyBase::executeQuery) .def_readwrite(""_sciDB"", &_sciDB) .def(""getPySciDB"", &pyBase::getPySciDB, return_value_policy()); What does this python import error means with regards to the boost.python library, and what boost.python feature must be used to resolve it? Thank you " Bugs closed To Be Determined python USE GITHUB Boost 1.40.0 Problem fixed