id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 511 predicates without default constructor fail to compile nobody nobody "{{{ I want to draw your attention to a possible flaw in the implementation of the write_graphviz method from the Boost Graph Library. The current implementation uses the assignment operator for the vertex and edge iterators. This is natural, but some examples fail to compile with this version. The problem comes from the predicates witch don't have default constructors. When trying to assign a vertex iterator of a graph filtered with such a predicate, the compiler issues an error: C2512:'positive_edge_weight_pred' : no appropriate default constructor available with [ MyEdgeWeightMap=EdgeWeightMapT ] If a small modification in the write_graphviz implementation is made (using copy constructors instead of assignement operators), the example compiles and runs sucesfully. I am using the Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 compiler. In conclusion, I think that this modification should be made, as it grows the flexibility of the library and doesn't add any overhead. I have attached the example (main.cpp) and the patch for graphviz.hpp (graphviz.hpp.patch). My e-mail adress is }}}" Bugs closed graph None Duplicate