id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5138 Unexpected lock_exception in interprocess::segment_manager_base::allocate() Jim Schatzman Ion Gaztañaga "After allocating and free a number of objects in a shared memory segment, an additional call to allocate results in terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::interprocess::lock_exception' what(): boost::interprocess::lock_exception Here I am trying to allocate an item of 24 bytes in a shared memory segment with lots of free memory. Can you advise as to what might be causing this problem and how to fix it? Thank you. #0 0x0000003405e30265 in raise () from /lib64/ #1 0x0000003405e31d10 in abort () from /lib64/ #2 0x000000340aabecb4 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() () from /usr/lib64/ #3 0x000000340aabcdb6 in ?? () from /usr/lib64/ #4 0x000000340aabcde3 in std::terminate() () from /usr/lib64/ #5 0x000000340aabceca in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib64/ #6 0x000000000040d15d in boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex::lock (this=0x2aaaaaadf180) at /usr/local/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/sync/posix/interprocess_mutex.hpp:53 #7 0x000000000040d1b1 in boost::interprocess::scoped_lock::scoped_lock ( this=0x7fffffffdb80, m=...) at /usr/local/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/sync/scoped_lock.hpp:76 #8 0x00000000004130cc in boost::interprocess::rbtree_best_fit, 0ul>::allocate (this=0x2aaaaaadf180, nbytes=24) at /usr/local/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/mem_algo/rbtree_best_fit.hpp:621 #9 0x000000000041314c in boost::interprocess::segment_manager_base, 0ul> >::allocate (this=0x2aaaaaadf180, nbytes=24) at /usr/local/boost_1_43_0/boost/interprocess/segment_manager.hpp:166 #10 0x000000000041388c in PseudoPdw::create (this=0x2aaaaaadf0f0, pdw=0x2aaaaaadf010, mmgrP=0x2aaaaaadf180) at /home/jschatz/ssitl/VER2.0/x86_64/../src/ut/ " Support Requests closed To Be Determined interprocess Boost 1.43.0 Problem invalid lock_exception