id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5139,Initial Stream Position in Boost.Interprocess.Vectorstream,charles@…,Ion Gaztañaga,"When the boost::interprocess::basic_vectorstream is default-constructed, tellp() initially returns an invalid stream position. Presumably, it should return position 0 before anything is inserted into the stream, but instead it returns -1. This is easy to reproduce: {{{ #!div style=""font-size: 100%"" Code highlighting: {{{#!C++ #include #include int main() { std::stringstream ss; std::cout << ss.tellp() << "" ""; boost::interprocess::basic_vectorstream > vs; std::cout << vs.tellp() << std::endl; } }}} }}} This should output: 0 -1 In contrast with std::stringstream, we see that boost::interprocess::basic_vectorstream begins with an invalid stream position. It should begin at 0, but it begins at -1.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,interprocess,Boost 1.57.0,Problem,fixed,,superpacko@…