id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5141,class template 'value' (bind.hpp) can corrupt compilability of sound code,Joachim Faulhaber,Peter Dimov,"I encountered the following situation. For a new project I combined some code like: {{{ #include }}} with some other code {{{ #include #include }}} with the effect, that `my_robust_portable_code.hpp` did not compile anymore. Although I found a fix, applicable to `my_robust_portable_code.hpp`, I think that such a `` should generally not be acceptable for independent components of boost. In the concrete case `` has this malicious potential to confuse msvc-[8..10] when it preceded some of my `boost/icl` files. `` has the potential to break the code of any other boost library and any user code. As the example below shows the corrupted code is not extremely nuts and might occur else were. Fortunately I was able to locate the problem: It's at boost/bind/bind.hpp(112): {{{ namespace _bi{ ... template class value { ... }; ... } //namespace _bi }}} This is a minimal program to demonstrate how `class value` can confuse msvc: {{{ #include //--- from boost/bind/bind.hpp(112) namespace _bi{ template class value{}; } //--- affected code --------------------------------------- template struct some_attribute { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0); }; template struct some_predicate { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = ( some_attribute::value < 0) //error C2059: syntax error : ')' //IF class template value defined before ); }; }}} Although I frankly don't know, how exactly msvc is derailed, it seems to have problems with `value` in {{{ some_attribute::value < 0 }}} a construction that is extremely frequent due to meta programming conventions introduced by Dave's and Aleksey's `boost::mpl`. So for a fix I tried to rename `class value` by something else like `class _value`. Fortunately this is possible, because the class template is a local implementation object used in `boost/bind/bind.hpp` only. After renaming, I successfully ran all tests from boost/bind. Find the patch file attached. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,bind,Boost 1.46.0,Problem,wontfix,unexpected compilation dependencies,