id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5148 tellg requires seekable, even though it's not a seek operation anonymous Jonathan Turkanis "Problem explained here: hxxp:// . Example code demonstrating unexpected behavior included for brevity, in my case compiled on MSVC 2008 boost 1.44: #include #include ""boost/iostreams/categories.hpp"" #include ""boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp"" #include ""boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp"" int main() { boost::iostreams::filtering_stream< boost::iostreams::input > strm( ( boost::iostreams::zlib_decompressor() ) ); char sourceArr[512]; strm.push( boost::iostreams::array_source( sourceArr, sourceArr + sizeof( sourceArr ) ) ); strm.tellg(); // Throws even though we're not seeking, just reading the read head position } " Bugs closed To Be Determined iostreams Boost 1.44.0 Problem invalid