id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 517 is_empty sets my paths' _M_p to 0xffffffff nobody beman_dawes "{{{ Env: FreeBSD 5.4 gcc 3.4.2 boost: 1.33.0 Before calling is_empty on a valid dir, I have a path with _M_p set to a valid address. After calling is_empty _M_p points to 0xffffffff In libs/filesystem/src/operations_posix_windows.cpp we have the dir_itr_init function at line 273. At linie 302 it calls: m_imp->entry_path.m_path_append( ""dummy"", no_check ); When returning from this function _M_p is no longer valid (points to 0xffffffff). I'm guessing more info is needed, so you are welcome to write me and I will help in any way I can. Best regards db }}}" Bugs closed filesystem None Rejected