id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5207,ICL compile errors,John Reid ,Joachim Faulhaber,"See the code for some compilation problems. I haven't checked if there are other problems with continuous domains or static bounds. {{{ #include #include #include namespace icl = ::boost::icl; void f() { icl::interval< int > int_interval; icl::interval_set< int > int_set; icl::interval_map< int, int > int_map; icl::interval_map< int, int >::element_type int_element; icl::interval_map< int, int >::segment_type int_segment; /// AFAICT none of the following lines compiles and they all should: icl::lower( int_interval ); icl::upper( int_interval ); icl::first( int_interval ); icl::last( int_interval ); icl::add( int_set, int_set ); icl::add( int_map, int_map ); icl::subtract( int_set, int_set ); icl::subtract( int_map, int_map ); int_set += int_interval; icl::disjoint( int_map, int_element ); icl::disjoint( int_map, int_segment ); icl::intersects( int_map, int_segment ); icl::intersects( int_map, int_element ); } }}} ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,ICL,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,