id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5292,boost::mpi::scatterv and boost::mpi::gatherv added,Júlio Hoffimann ,Matthias Troyer,"Two more collective operations for Boost.MPI. I made the headers completely based on the existent one: scatter.hpp and gather.hpp ""common use versions"" was added too, for those cases where the great buffer is stored contiguously at the root process. The ""common use version"" of gatherv needs a warning in the docs: Since the process send it's own buffer size and nothing more, all sizes will be gathered before the real call. I don't know if this is tolerable, you have the decision. Other doubt about gatherv implementation: I did switch to the packed_archive_send() / packed_archive_recv() communication, i tried to figure out the difference in send an archive or send using communicator::send when dealing with non-MPI types, but without success. boost::mpi::scatter uses the first and boost::mpi::gather uses the second. Anyway,the snippet of code is commented if you want to switch back. I'm sending a Main.cpp file with the simple tests i made, comment or uncomment the prototypes in pairs: scatterv / gatherv. To see the results in a separate terminal for each process, this is a possible way: '''mpicxx Main.cpp -o test && echo 107 > input.txt && mpirun -np 4 xterm -e ./test''' ",Patches,new,To Be Determined,mpi,Boost 1.45.0,Not Applicable,,collective operations,troyer@…