id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5392 "Message queue temporary dir named ""Select LastBootUpTime from Win32_OperatingSystem"" (on win XP)" wsx22@… Ion Gaztañaga " There is still problem with message queue temp directory related to bug I'm using boost interprocess message queue on Windows XP SP3 32bit, and boost 1_46_1 In first application i'm executing function {{{ mq = new boost::interprocess::message_queue( boost::interprocess::create_only ,mqName->c_str() ,10 ,sizeof(MqMessageStruct) ); }}} then boost creates temp directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\boost_interprocess\20110327091835.364787\ this is OK. In second application I try to create message_queue object by execute constructor {{{ boost::interprocess::message_queue mq( boost::interprocess::open_only ,mqName->c_str() ); }}} boost creates temp directory named: {{{ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\boost_interprocess\Select LastBootUpTime from Win32_OperatingSystem\ }}} and throws exception. Existing message queue can't be open and can't work. In boost 1_44 this code was working good (except issue described in ticket 4010) I've watching source code and I think that problem is somewhere in file boost_1_46_1\boost\interprocess\detail\win32_api.hpp in function inline bool get_wmi_class_attribute( std::wstring& strValue, const wchar_t *wmi_class, const wchar_t *wmi_class_var) between lines 1525 and 1558. Maybe pEnumObject Object in line 1547 is empty. Another issue is that in file \boost_1_46_1\boost\interprocess\detail\tmp_dir_helpers.hpp in function inline void get_bootstamp(std::string &s, bool add = false) (line 38) there is no check for result returned from winapi::get_last_bootup_time(bootstamp); (line 41) " Bugs closed To Be Determined interprocess Boost 1.46.1 Problem fixed interprocess, message queue, temporary directory, temp