id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5558,Phoenix bind doesn't support bind construct,Michael Caisse,Thomas Heller,"boost::bind uses bind in situations where it cannot determine the return type. This is useful for situations where you are binding to a method with a variable argument list such as printf. I'm not so much concerned with the bind construct as I'm unsure how to bind to functions such as printf. Is there a syntax for this when utilizing Phoenix bind that I have missed? Using boost::bind -- boost::bind( &printf, ""%d "", _1 )(42); Using phoenix::bind -- phx::bind( &printf, ""%d "", arg1 )(42); results in compilation error. ",Bugs,assigned,To Be Determined,phoenix,Boost 1.46.1,Showstopper,,,