id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5633 BGL isomorphism documentation improvements Evan Driscoll Jeremiah Willcock "Some of the documentation for isomorphism is somewhere between confusing and outright wrong. (I'm not sure what type & severity to use so I left it on default.) * In the literate description of the algorithm (, starting at the bottom of page 3 in the list of the three cases, I'm guessing `i` and `j` are supposed to be `u` and `v` instead. (Or the preceeding paragraph could be changed to say `(i,j)` instead of `(u,v)`.) * On the actual documentation page ( I think the description of the vertex invariants should be reworked completely. For starters, it's confusing. (I can elaborate on what I find confusing about it if desired, but I ramble too much so I'll leave that off.) Second, since the interface changed in 1.35 to have two separate invariant parameters, I think it's a bit wrong. In particular, it says ''A mapping i from vertices to integers such that if there is some isomorphism that maps v onto v' then i(v) == i(v'),'' but assuming I read the algo description right, there are two separate maps, where `v` can map to `v'` if `vertex_invariant1(v,g1) == vertex_invarant2(v',g2)`. There's also just a straight-up typo in `vertex_invariant2`. Anyway, here's what I suggest as a rewrite, inspired by a very helpful email from Aaron Windsor on the boost-users list: IN: vertex_invariant1(!VertexInvariant1 x) \\ IN: vertex_invariant2(!VertexInvariant2 y) Mappings from vertices to integers which restrict which vertices may be considered isomorphic. If a candidate isomorphism maps `v` to `v'` but `x(v,g1) != y(v',g2)`, that candidate is rejected. This mapping can be used to etiher speed up the search (as is done by the default value, which requires that the degrees of `v` and `v'` are equal) on to impose extra conditions on the result. The type of each !VertexInvariant must be a !BinaryFunction where the first argument is a vertex descriptor, the second argument is a graph, and the result type is an integer. (Also, please say what you mean by ""an integer"". Is it an `int` specifically, is it any integer type, is it anything convertible to an `int`, anything convertible to any integer type, or what?)" Bugs closed To Be Determined graph Boost 1.46.1 Problem wontfix