id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5649,create_directories() fails with NTFS mounted volumes,Tomas Kazmar ,Beman Dawes,"When there is an NTFS mounted volume at some level in the path which is passed to `create_directories`. The function fails because of the first two checks: {{{ #!div style=""font-size: 80%"" {{{#!c++ BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool create_directories(const path& p, system::error_code* ec) { if (p.empty() || exists(p)) { if (!p.empty() && !is_directory(p)) { ...throws/returns an error... }}} }}} For a mounted volume path p is not `empty`, it `exists`, but `is_directory(p)` fails. This happens because a mounted volume directory is reported by `status(p)` as `file_type::reparse_file`. Probably `is_directory()` should be changed to accept existing NTFS mounted volumes as already existing directories along the path which is to be created. Windows 7 64bit, Boost 1.46.1, filesystem v3, MSVC 9",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,filesystem,Boost 1.46.1,Problem,,,