id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5697,iterator_facade::operator-> is broken for proxy references,Jeffrey Hellrung ,Dave Abrahams,"For the detailed discussion: Briefly, when using a proxy reference in one's iterator derived from iterator_facade, the implementation of operator-> tries to construct a value_type const * from the expression &x, where x has (declared) type reference. I see no reason why a reference* (a pointer to a proxy reference object) could be expected to be a convertible to a value_type const *. I believe a correct implementation of operator_arrow_proxy would store the proxy reference object, not an object of the value_type. As far as I know, this does not violate any iterator requirements. I will gladly submit a patch once it is acknowledged that this is, indeed, a bug (or before, if requested). ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,iterator,Boost 1.47.0,Problem,fixed,"iterator_facade, operator->, operator_arrow_proxy",