Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #5786: Section 5.2 in Getting Started Guide is misleading <p> Section 5.2 of the Getting Started Guide: "Or, Simplified Build From Source" says to run: </p> <p> bootstrap </p> <p> .\b2 </p> <p> This does work (except when it gets the toolchain wrong) and successfully builds boost, and the output does correctly list the include and library paths. </p> <p> However, it leaves boost in a state inconsistent with the instructions in Section 6.1 and 6.2. These have examples which assume the libraries are in the lib subdirectory of the boost root (which it looks like they are for pre-compiled builds), whereas the instructions in 5.2 leave them in the stage/lib subdirectory. </p> <p> There is an "install" option which puts the libraries in another location, but this isn't mentioned in the Getting Started Guide. </p> <p> Section 5.4 also doesn't mention that the paths are listed in the expected build output, so this is easy to miss if you are not specifically looking for it. </p> <p> This means that following the instructions for building from source in the Getting Started Guide doesn't work, as Section 6.4 will fail with link errors. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3