id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 5888,[Documentation] iterator_facade docs -- const correctness problem.,Frank Erens ,jeffrey.hellrung,"On this documentation page, second box: there is a problem with const-correctness on the dereference function. For the const_node_iterator, Value = const node_base, thus yielding {{{ const node_base& dereference() const { return *m_node; } const node_base* m_node; }}} However, for node_iterator, Value = node_base: {{{ node_base& dereference() const { return *m_node; // Error: cannot convert const variable to non_const reference } node_iterator* m_node; }}} Correct would be to const-overload dereference: {{{ typedef boost::iterator_facade< node_iter , Value , boost::forward_traversal_tag > super; typename super::reference dereference() { return *m_node; } const typename super::reference dereference() const { return *m_node; } }}} ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,iterator,Boost 1.47.0,Cosmetic,,,