id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 5933 Sun C++ 5.11 Linux compilation errors boost@… Eric Niebler "CC: Sun C++ 5.11 Linux_i386 2010/08/13 usage: CC [ options ] files. Use 'CC -flags' for details ""./boost/proto/transform/arg.hpp"", line 306: Error: Partial specialization for boost::proto::_byval::result has identical arguments. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 78: Error: Unexpected type name ""boost::proto::_data"" encountered. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 78: Error: Unexpected type name ""boost::proto::_value"" encountered. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 78: Error: Too many arguments in cast to boost::xpressive::detail::push_back. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 79: Error: Unexpected type name ""boost::proto::_data"" encountered. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 79: Error: Too many arguments in cast to boost::xpressive::detail::push_back. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 569: Error: type is not a member of boost::tr1_result_of. ""./boost/proto/detail/preprocessed/expr.hpp"", line 1128: Warning: A class with a reference member lacks a user-defined constructor, which can lead to errors. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 569: Where: While specializing ""boost::proto::exprns_::expr, 2>"". ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 569: Where: Specialized in non-template code. ""./boost/xpressive/regex_primitives.hpp"", line 569: Error: Cannot return const boost::proto::exprns_::expr, 2> from a function that should return const int. 8 Error(s) and 1 Warning(s) detected. ""CC"" -library=stlport4 -xO4 -mt -erroff=%none -m64 -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DNDEBUG -I""."" -I""libs/graph/src"" -c -o ""/home/pal/work/cpp/tmp/boost/bin.v2/libs/graph/build/sun/release/address-model-64/link-static/stdlib-sun-stlport/threading-multi/read_graphviz_new.o"" ""libs/graph/src/read_graphviz_new.cpp""" Bugs closed To Be Determined proto Boost 1.47.0 Problem invalid