id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6063,resize does not offset rectangles (etc.) correctly or crashes,dbfaken@…,Andrii Sydorchuk,"When using the 'corner_fill_arc' parameter to polygon_set_concept::resize(), a minkowski sum using a polygonalized circle is used to get the offset shape. A symptom of the problem is demonstrated by the following code: {{{ { polygon_set_data ps1, ps2, ps3; ps1.insert(rectangle_data(0, 0, 50, 50)); ps2.insert(rectangle_data(0, 0, 50, 50)); ps3.insert(rectangle_data(0, 0, 50, 50)); std::cout << ""rect before resize: "" << ps1 << std::endl; ps1.resize(6, true, 0); ps2.resize(6, true, 5); ps3.resize(6, true, 6); rectangle_data ps1_extents, ps2_extents, ps3_extents; extents(ps1_extents, ps1); extents(ps2_extents, ps2); extents(ps3_extents, ps3); std::cout << ""extents of resized rect with '0' (4) segments in circle: "" << ps1_extents << std::endl; std::cout << ""extents of resized rect with 5 segments in circle: "" << ps2_extents << std::endl; std::cout << ""extents of resized rect with 6 segments in circle: "" << ps3_extents << std::endl; } }}} If I put this at the end of the gtl_boost_unit_test.cpp, I get the following output: {{{ rect before resize: Polygon Set Data { <0 0, 50 0>:1 <50 0, 50 50>:-1 <0 50, 50 50>:-1 <0 0, 0 50>:1 } extents of resized rect with '0' (4) segments in circle: -5 54 -5 54 extents of resized rect with 5 segments in circle: -6 54 -6 55 extents of resized rect with 6 segments in circle: -6 55 -6 56 }}} This shows that the extents of the offset shape vary as the number of segments does - which should not be the case! The extents should all be: -6 56 -6 56 ---- The problem (to my eyes) is that the polygonalized circle does not generally have the right shape to get proper offsets in axis-oriented directions, so the offset is basically multiplied by some factor of sqrt(2). Attached is an image of the circle generated with num_circle_segments=16. The radius of the circle - i.e. distance from center to each vertex - is 2. The grid spacing is 1. As can be seen, the top/bottom and left/right sides of the circle do not lie on the grid. If the circle started with a vertex at(0,2) this would not occur and one would presumably get proper offsets in axis-aligned directions. Alternately one could offset all the vertices slightly farther, but this would offset some vertices farther than desired. I would guess the fix is to change the behaviour of make_arc(), which generates these points, but I'm not sure exactly what the original author's intent was - so maybe just using a new function would be best (after all, the complexity of make_arc is overkill when you're generating a simple full circle) ---- Another problem is that the behaviour of the 'corner_fill_arc' parameter is not really well described. Using this gives much more than corner-filling behaviour - it gives different offsets in different directions. I would suggest explaining it as it is - a minkowski sum with a polygonalized circle, with all that implies. E.g. for a 45-degree segment the offset will differ from a 90-degree segment unless you pick the right value of num_circle_segments. Maybe a more comprehensible solution would be to implement corner rounding by the intersection of the normal resize()d shape (as given by corner_fill_arc=false) with the resize()d shape given by corner_fill_arc=true with a larger 'resizing' (picked so that the minimum resizing equals the original resizing). This would only affect corners, instead of the whole shape. ",Bugs,assigned,To Be Determined,polygon,Boost 1.47.0,Problem,,,