id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6171,nonconforming behavior of inverse functions on branch cuts,Richard B. Kreckel ,John Maddock,"The inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in boost/math treat signed zero incorrectly. The positions of the branch cuts are right, but C99 specifies to ""''map a cut so the function is continuous as the cut is approached coming around the finite endpoint of the cut in a counter clockwise direction''"" and so does C++11. Here are some examples of failures: * asin(-1.75-0.0*I) returns -1.5708+1.1588*I (should be -1.5708-1.1588*I) * acos(-1.25+0.0*I) returns +3.1416+0.6932*I (should be +3.1416-0.6932*I) * atan(-0.0-1.75*I) returns +1.5708-0.6496*I (should be -1.5708-0.6496*I) * asinh(+0.0+1.5*I) returns -0.9624+1.5708*I (should be +0.9624+1.5708*I) * acosh(-2.5+0.0*I) returns +1.5668-3.1416*I (should be +1.5668+3.1416*I) * atanh(-2.0-0.0*I) returns -0.5493+1.5708*I (should be -0.5493-1.5708*I) I'm attaching a patch.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,math,Boost 1.48.0,Problem,fixed,,