id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 6213 Escaping close parentheses doesn't work in boost::regex anonymous John Maddock "Currently I am running Boost 1.47 on Scientific Linux 6 and cannot get the escaped close parentheses to match in a very simple expression. I can remove the escaped close parentheses and the regular expression will match, but with the escaped close parentheses, we never can get the if statement to work. I can put a small work around in our codebase, but I would expect this feature to work. Below is a example snippet of code: {{{ #!div style=""font-size: 80%"" {{{#!C++ void MyFuction(const std::string& val) { boost::regex expr1(""(.*)\\((.*)\\)""); boost::regex expr2(""(.*)\\((.*)""); boost::cmatch matches; if(boost::regex_match(val.c_str(), matches, expr1)) { //never will get in here } if(boost::regex_match(val.c_str(), matches, expr2)) { //will get in here when we expect it to } } }}} }}} I appologize if there's something on my side that I'm missing, but I searched around and really can't find anything in our code base that would indicate its our code base and not boost::regex." Bugs closed To Be Determined regex Boost 1.47.0 Problem worksforme