id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 6330 Sucess to build when use stlport 5.2.1, but link error.(MSVC8-10) nightmare.qntal@… John Maddock "Boost 1.48.0 success to build when use stlport 5.2.1, but when link to the library with following error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""void __cdecl boost::re_detail::raise_runtime_error(class stlpd_std::runtime_error const &)"" (?raise_runtime_error@re_detail@boost@@YAXAEBVruntime_error@stlpd_std@@@Z) E:\WorkSpaces\Visual Studio 2010\boost_test\boost_test\main.obj error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""class stlpd_std::basic_string,class stlpd_std::allocator > __cdecl boost::re_detail::w32_transform(unsigned int,char const *,char const *)"" (?w32_transform@re_detail@boost@@YA?AV?$basic_string@DV?$char_traits@D@stlpd_std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@stlpd_std@@IPEBD0@Z) E:\WorkSpaces\Visual Studio 2010\boost_test\boost_test\main.obj building configure for boost 1.48.0: set PYTHON=D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python32 set INCLUDE=%STLPORT%\stlport;%PYTHON%\\include;%INCLUDE%; set LIB=%STLPORT%\\lib;%PYTHON%\\libs;%LIB%; b2 --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete stdlib=stlport --stagedir=stlport I have define _STLP_DEBUG and __STLPORT_DEBUG in my project.During in the building progress of boost, I found the b2 have used the headers of msvc, and link to stplort's libraries." Bugs closed To Be Determined regex Boost 1.48.0 Problem worksforme