id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 6437 Documentation bug: ptr_map inherits from ptr_map_adapter, not ptr_multi_map_adapter augustin Thorsten Ottosen "It seems that the documentation for ptr_multi_map_adatpter is wrong as there is a discrepancy with the code. I am a beginner, so if I am wrong, please gently explain why. shows: {{{ class ptr_multimap_adapter { // ... iterator insert( key_type& k, T* x ); template< class U > iterator insert( const key_type&, std::auto_ptr x ); // ... } }}} However, the source code shows: {{{ std::pair insert( key_type& key, mapped_type x ) { return insert_impl( key, x ); } template< class U > std::pair insert( const key_type& key, std::auto_ptr x ) { return insert_impl( key, x.release() ); } }}} It seems there is a mismatch between the documentation and the code as to the type of the return value (iterator vs. pair). The following test code provides an example of what I was trying to do after reading the documentation, but obviously that didn't compile: {{{ #include #include #include int main() { boost::ptr_map map; boost::ptr_map::iterator map_it; std::string* s = new std::string(""one""); int i = 1; //map_it = map.insert(i, s); // Does not compile. std::pair< boost::ptr_map::iterator, bool> ret = map.insert(i, s); // This compiles. } }}} How is the code documentation generated? By hand? While learning how to use ptr_container, I have often wished there were more extensive documentation and examples on how to use ptr_map. If the above is indeed a documentation bug, can you use this opportunity to add a sample code section on how to create, insert and retrieve elements with a ptr_map? Thanks. " Bugs new To Be Determined ptr_container Boost 1.48.0 Problem