id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6515,Serilaization of std::vector is broken for optimizing archives,Hartmut Kaiser,Robert Ramey,"Serializing a vector causes corruptions in the created archive. The reason is this function (in boost/serialization/vector.hpp): {{{ template inline void save( Archive & ar, const std::vector &t, const unsigned int /* file_version */, mpl::true_ ){ const collection_size_type count(t.size()); ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count); if (!t.empty()) ar << make_array(detail::get_data(t),t.size()); } }}} While detail::get_data(t) is not specialized for std::vector (but it should be), and t.size() returns the number of bits stored in the vector, which is probably not what's expected either. I'm encountering this problem with MSVC10, 64bit, Windows7.",Bugs,assigned,To Be Determined,serialization,Boost 1.48.0,Problem,,,