id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6571,lexical_case(someString) does not recognize IEEE exceptions,Chromatix ,Antony Polukhin,"When using lexical_cast to cast a floating point value (float, double, long double), lexical_cast will generate the proper IEEE floating-point exception string. But when converting the string representation to the real floating point value, lexical_cast doesn't recognize the special values and throws bad_lexical_cast. Look at this example trying to work with double undefined values. The same problem exists for infinity (and probably for other special values that I'm not aware of). {{{ #include int main() { boost::lexical_cast(sqrt(-1.0)); //OK, returns ""-1.#IND"" boost::lexical_cast(""-1.#IND""); //bad_lexical_cast !!! return 0; } }}} ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,lexical_cast,Boost 1.50.0,Problem,fixed,,