id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6612,Boost thread debug std::cerr << __LINE__ in futures.hpp,ramon.casellas@…,viboes,"Dear Anthony, Thank you for your work on boost threads. An aesthetic issue: Using boost trunk, I get spurious debug traces to std::cerr. The cause is the file include/boost/thread/futures.hpp line 1339 etc. {{{ std::cout<< __LINE__ << "" "" << int(future_obtained) << std::endl; }}} A simple program triggers it: {{{ boost::promise prom; boost::unique_future fut = prom.get_future(); prom.set_value(std::move(tup)); futures.push_back(boost::shared_future(std::move(fut))); }}} Thanks in advance, R",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.50.0,thread,Boost Development Trunk,Cosmetic,fixed,thread __LINE__ futures std::cerr,