id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 6622,boost::mpl::transform fails on boost::mpl::set in non-inserter form,hack@…,Aleksey Gurtovoy,"The following code does not compile with boost-1.48.0: {{{ typedef boost::mpl::transform< boost::mpl::set, boost::add_pointer >::type pointer_set; }}} It fails on a compile-time assert deeply into boost.mpl with ""REQUESTED_PUSH_FRONT_SPECIALIZATION_FOR_SEQUENCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST"". This makes sense, as boost::mpl::set is not a front extensible sequence. One can get this to work by using a custom inserter that utilises boost::mpl::insert instead of boost::mpl::push_front, or using a different sequence class in the output. However, I think boost::mpl::transform should either be able to detect a set properly, or the documentation should state that the non-inserter version of boost::mpl::transform requires a front extensible sequence.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,mpl,Boost 1.48.0,Problem,,"boost::mpl::transform, boost::mpl::set",