id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 6654 deadline_timer may makes dll can't be freed weiyuemin@… chris_kohlhoff "When I use boost::asio::deadline_timer in a dll, {{{FreeLibrary}}} will be blocked. When I commented the deadline_timer, things become ok. I compile my program on Visual Studio 2010(without sp), and Win Xp sp3. dll was built as Debug configuration, using /MDd below is my code in main(): {{{ HMODULE hmod2 = LoadLibraryA(""tDll2.dll""); printf(""tDll2.dll loaded\n""); for (;;) { char cmd[100]; scanf(""%s"", cmd); if (strcmp(cmd, ""init"") == 0) { void_func _init = (void_func)GetProcAddress(hmod2, ""init""); _init(); printf(""init ok\n""); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ""uninit"") == 0) { void_func _uninit = (void_func)GetProcAddress(hmod2, ""uninit""); _uninit(); printf(""uninit ok\n""); } else if (strcmp(cmd, ""exit"") == 0) { FreeLibrary(hmod2); printf(""tFreeLib.dll free\n""); break; } } }}} code of tDll2.cpp in tDll2.dll {{{ boost::asio::io_service client_ioservice; boost::asio::io_service::work* client_ioservice_virtual_work; boost::thread* th; void run() { boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(client_ioservice); boost::system::error_code error;; if (error) { printf(""error: %d\n"", error.value()); } delete th; printf(""finish\n""); } TDLL2_API void init(void) { client_ioservice_virtual_work = new boost::asio::io_service::work(client_ioservice); th = new boost::thread(run); } TDLL2_API void uninit(void) { delete client_ioservice_virtual_work; } }}} this statement {{{printf(""finish\n""); }}}is successfully executed, the {{{DllMain}}} is also successfully returned, but {{{FreeLibrary(hmod2);}}} blocks. When I commented this line: {{{ boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(client_ioservice); }}} things become ok. " Bugs closed To Be Determined asio Boost 1.49.0 Problem invalid deadline_timer block