id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 671,"regex_match fails, but regex_search works fine",nobody,John Maddock,"{{{ I encountered this when I tried to upgrade from 1.32 to 1.33.1 I search through a text with regex_search, and pass the results to regex_match. I would expect them to yield the same result, but they don't. Here is a sample code: std::string pattern = ""xx-{0,2}([+-][0-9])?""; boost::regex reg(pattern.begin(), pattern.end (), boost::regex::perl_syntax_group ); char* buf = ""xx-- ""; boost::cmatch what; regex_search(buf,what,reg, boost::regex_constants::match_default); bool match = regex_match(what[0].first, what [0].second,reg, boost::regex_constants::match_any); regex_search returns the [0,4), as I expected, but regex_match returns false! Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround? Thanks, Moddy. }}}",Bugs,closed,,regex,None,,Fixed,,