id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 6746 Boost fails to build 64-bit on Solaris sparc with toolset=gcc tripivceta@… Vladimir Prus "Boost 1.38.0 is needed in order to build PowerDNS, as PowerDNS specifically looks for libboost_program_options_*gcc*.so. I have tried each and every permutation to convince the Boost build system that it is really OK to use GCC on the sparc platform with Solaris's linker and assembler, but to no avail. The following is used: tools/jam/src/bin.solaris/bjam -d4 -j2 --without-mpi --toolset=gcc --prefix=/opt/boost --libdir=/opt/boost/lib/64 address-model=64 cxxflags=-m64 linkflags=-m64 ...and here is one of many identical failures during the build process: ""g++"" -ftemplate-depth-128 -O3 -finline-functions -Wno-inline -Wall -pthreads -fPIC -m64 -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_MATH_TR1_DYN_LINK=1 -DNDEBUG -I""."" -c -o ""bin.v2/libs/math/build/gcc-3.4.3/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/expm1.o"" ""libs/math/build/../src/tr1/expm1.cpp"" /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option '-' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option 't' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option 'aditional-format' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option '6' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option '4' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option 'A' /usr/ccs/bin/as: error: unknown option '9' usage: /usr/ccs/bin/as [-V] [-Q{y,n}] [-q] [-s] [-S] [-K {pic,PIC}] [-o objfile] [-L] [-T] [-P [[-Yc,path] [-Ipath] [-Dname] [-Dname=def] [-Uname]]...] [-m [-Ym,path]] [-n] [-ul] [-xF] [-m32] [-m64] [-xarch={v7,v8,v8a,v8plus,v8plusa,v8plusb,v9,v9a,v9b,sparc,sparcvis,sparcvis2,sparcvis3,sparcfmaf,sparcima}] [-xcode={pic13,pic32}] file.s... 0.000129 sec system; 0.003178 sec user ...failed gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/math/build/gcc-3.4.3/release/address-model-64/threading-multi/expm1.o... Upgrading to newer version of Boost has been unsuccessful, as PowerDNS's ./configure specifically looks for library version in the .so file name, and this has changed sometime after the 1.38.0 revision. Where is the linker getting the ""-t aditional-format 64A9' from, and why does this happen only on sparc?" Bugs new To Be Determined build Boost 1.38.0 Showstopper