id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 684,Compilation error when using additive_combine::seed,jos_hickson,jmaurer,"{{{ I've found a compilation error in one of the adaptive_combine::seed() methods - void seed(typename MLCG1::result_type seed1, typename MLCG2::result_type seed2) { _mlcg1(seed1); _mlcg2(seed2); } should really be something like void seed(typename MLCG1::result_type seed1, typename MLCG2::result_type seed2) { _mlcg1.seed(seed1); _mlcg2.seed(seed2); } shouldn't it? Making this change fixes the problem. I have included a patch that performs this fix. }}}",Bugs,closed,,random,None,,Fixed,,