id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 692,cpp_regex_traits::toi() method fails in the MT case,lsh123,nobody,"{{{ cpp_regex_traits::toi() method fails to parse the string correctly when it is used in multi-threaded environment. Originally, I run into this problem in regex parser code and traced it down to cpp_regex_traits::toi() method (btw, this happens on Linux only, Windows code goes thru a different code path). I believe that the problem is caused by the fact that *buffered* m_pimpl->m_sbuf and m_pimpl->m_is are used inside cpp_regex_traits::toi() method without locking. Thus, if two threads are trying to use it in the same time, it fails. }}}",Bugs,closed,,None,None,,Fixed,,