id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 693,"Add clique detection algorithms DFMax, Bron-Kerbosch",wegner,Andrew Sutton,"{{{ C++ sources are already available at @ARTICLE{bk73, author = {C. Bron and J. Kerbosch}, title = {{F}inding all cliques of an undirected graph}, journal = {Communications of the ACM}, year = {1973}, volume = {16}, pages = {575--577}, owner = {}, groupsearch = {0}, url = {}, } @MISC{aj88, author = {D. Applegate and D. S. Johnson}, title = {dfmax.c [{C} program, {O}nline], available at}, year = {1988}, owner = {}, url = { c}, } }}}",Feature Requests,closed,,graph,None,Not Applicable,fixed,,