Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6992, comment 2

Nov 15, 2012, 11:58:29 PM (10 years ago)
Eric Niebler


  • Ticket #6992, comment 2

    initial v1  
    33First, median estimated are notoriously hard and you never get an exact median unless you store at least half of the samples. Hence, unlike the mean which can easily and unambiguously be estimated (as long as the variance is finite), median estimation is harder and different algorithms to estimate the median will give different results.
    5 Our default estimator is a P^2 quantile estimator, which only stores and updates five numbers and hence has a minimal memory footprint. However, it requires at least five samples before it gives sensible output and I am thus not surprised that using less than five samples does not work.
     5Our default estimator is a P^2^ quantile estimator, which only stores and updates five numbers and hence has a minimal memory footprint. However, it requires at least five samples before it gives sensible output and I am thus not surprised that using less than five samples does not work.
    77Shall we throw an exception if the count is less than 5, or just document it more clearly?