id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7005,"""Rootless"" (doubly linked) lists",Domagoj Šarić,Ion Gaztañaga,"Please add support for doubly linked lists that do not have a root node. Rather such a container (a thin wrapper around the associated *list_algorithms<> class) would simply hold a pointer to the beginning of the list (or a null for an empty list). This would eliminate the need to actually have an instance of a container...rather *list_algorithms<>::static functions could be used directly on any member of the list w/o ""worrying"" whether it is a pointer to the root node or an actual contained object...",Feature Requests,closed,Boost 1.51.0,intrusive,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,duplicate,,