id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7011,Toolset 'intel-darwin' fails as 'stdarg.h' can not be found,vogel@…,Vladimir Prus,"Building boost (1.49, and also 1.50 beta) using the 'intel-darwin' toolset currently fails on my system, showing errors such as: {{{ compile.c(33): catastrophic error: cannot open source file ""stdarg.h"" # include ^ compilation aborted for compile.c (code 4) }}} I use the most recent versions of the required developer programs, ICC 12.1.4 and XCode 4.3.3. This appears to be a specific problem of Apple & Intel in case of 'stdarg.h', and the error can be replicated by compiling any C/C++ source file including that header. The problem is also described in Intel's support forum ( Apparently, the problem can be fixed by adding at least one of the following compiler flags: {{{ -dev-usr-root=/Applications/ -isysroot /Applications/ -gcc-name=gcc-4.2 -gxx-name=g++-4.2 }}} Potentially, a call to `xcode-select -print-path` may be necessary to obtain the correct path. From my perspective, the first option in combination with `xcode-select` looks to be the most robust solution. I am, unfortunately, a novice concerning bjam, and can thus not offer a real fix. I will be happy to help if a test run is required. Thank you for help!",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,build,Boost 1.49.0,Problem,,,