id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7067,The same options in the different groups cause exception while parsing configuration file.,Grzegorz Andrejczuk ,Vladimir Prus,"Preconditions: There are two option descriptions defined, containing the same options. The options are stored in the configuration file and grouped by the group. Result: options_descriptions add method adds two groups parse method throws unknown option exception with cat1.op1 namespace po::boost::program_options; void test() { po::options_description cat1(""cat1""); cat1.add_options() (""op1"", po::value(), ""op1"") (""op2"", po::value(), ""op2"") (""op3"", po::value(), ""op3"") (""op4"", po::value(), ""op4""); po::options_description cat2(""cat2""); cat2.add_options() (""op1"", po::value(), ""op1"") (""op2"", po::value(), ""op2"") (""op3"", po::value(), ""op3"") (""op4"", po::value(), ""op4""); po::options_description full(""full""); full.add(cat1).add(cat2); po::variables_map map; boost::filesystem::path path(""option.ini""); try { po::store(po::parse_config_file(""option.ini"", full), map); //exception is thrown ""Unknown option cat1.op1"" po::notify(map); } catch(std::exception & ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } option.ini: [cat1] op1=v1 op2=v2 op3=v3 op4=v4 [cat2] op1=v5 op2=v6 op3=v7 op4=v8 ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,program_options,Boost 1.49.0,Problem,,,