id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 7067 The same options in the different groups cause exception while parsing configuration file. Grzegorz Andrejczuk Vladimir Prus "Preconditions: There are two option descriptions defined, containing the same options. The options are stored in the configuration file and grouped by the group. Result: options_descriptions add method adds two groups parse method throws unknown option exception with cat1.op1 namespace po::boost::program_options; void test() { po::options_description cat1(""cat1""); cat1.add_options() (""op1"", po::value(), ""op1"") (""op2"", po::value(), ""op2"") (""op3"", po::value(), ""op3"") (""op4"", po::value(), ""op4""); po::options_description cat2(""cat2""); cat2.add_options() (""op1"", po::value(), ""op1"") (""op2"", po::value(), ""op2"") (""op3"", po::value(), ""op3"") (""op4"", po::value(), ""op4""); po::options_description full(""full""); full.add(cat1).add(cat2); po::variables_map map; boost::filesystem::path path(""option.ini""); try { po::store(po::parse_config_file(""option.ini"", full), map); //exception is thrown ""Unknown option cat1.op1"" po::notify(map); } catch(std::exception & ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } option.ini: [cat1] op1=v1 op2=v2 op3=v3 op4=v4 [cat2] op1=v5 op2=v6 op3=v7 op4=v8 " Bugs new To Be Determined program_options Boost 1.49.0 Problem