id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 7257 Boost.Test alters and does not restore ostream precision after any Test macro Paul A. Bristow Raffi Enficiaud "Boost.Test alters and does not restore ostream precision after any Test macro. std::cout.precision(17); std::streamsize precision1 = std::cout.precision(); // 17 BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(""""); or any BOOST_TEST_* calls. std::streamsize precision2 = std::cout.precision(); // 6 (default) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(precision1, precision2); // expect both 17 This means that it is necessary to reset precision after every call to a BOOST_TEST_* macro, which is a tiresome and unexpected feature. " Bugs closed Boost 1.60.0 test Boost 1.51.0 Problem fixed test precision