id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7262,Boost.Context fails to build using MinGW,anonymous,olli,"Boost.Context (1.51.0) fails to build using MinGW on Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. Here's what I did: 1. Ran ""bootstrap.bat gcc"". Completed successfully. 2. Invoked bjam using the following command line: {{{ bjam -d+2 -j4 -q variant=debug,release link=static threading=multi toolset=gcc runtime-link=shared cxxflags=""-D__int64=\""long long int\"" -DBOOST_REGEX_MATCH_EXTRA "" -sICU_PATH=C:/Tools/ICU/49.1.1/MinGW -sICU_LINK=""-LC:/Tools/ICU/49.1.1/MinGW/lib"" linkflags=""-LC:/Tools/ICU/49.1.1/MinGW/lib -lsicuuc -lsicuin -lsicudt"" }}} The output I get is {{{ Building the Boost C++ Libraries. Performing configuration checks - 32-bit : yes - x86 : yes - has_icu builds : yes - iconv (libc) : no - iconv (separate) : no - icu : yes - gcc visibility : yes - long double support : yes warning: No python installation configured and autoconfiguration note: failed. See note: for configuration instructions or pass --without-python to note: suppress this message and silently skip all Boost.Python targets Component configuration: - chrono : building - context : building - date_time : building - exception : building - filesystem : building - graph : building - graph_parallel : building - iostreams : building - locale : building - math : building - mpi : building - program_options : building - python : building - random : building - regex : building - serialization : building - signals : building - system : building - test : building - thread : building - timer : building - wave : building Jamfile.masm bin.v2\libs\context\build\gcc-mingw-4.7.1\debug\address-model-32\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o ml /c /Fo""bin.v2\libs\context\build\gcc-mingw-4.7.1\debug\address-model-32\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o"" ""libs\context\src\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.asm"" 'ml' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-d-1_51.a(clean) for lack of asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o... ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-d-1_51.a for lack of asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o... ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-d-1_51.a for lack of libboost_context-mgw47-mt-d-1_51.a... Jamfile.masm bin.v2\libs\context\build\gcc-mingw-4.7.1\release\address-model-32\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o ml /c /Fo""bin.v2\libs\context\build\gcc-mingw-4.7.1\release\address-model-32\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o"" ""libs\context\src\asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.asm"" 'ml' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-1_51.a(clean) for lack of asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o... ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-1_51.a for lack of asm\fcontext_i386_ms_pe_masm.o... ...skipped libboost_context-mgw47-mt-1_51.a for lack of libboost_context-mgw47-mt-1_51.a... ...failed updating 2 targets... }}} The output only contains the errors about Boost.Context because I attempted to rebuild using the same command line. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,context,Boost 1.51.0,Not Applicable,wontfix,context mingw,