id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7266,Gettext path formats.,166291@…,Artyom Beilis,"{{{ I'm extremely happy about Boost.Locale, but I've found a few things lacking. So at first I wrote a some wrappers to get around a few flaws with my usage of Boost.Locale. One of these flaws was how it's hardcoded to use the Gettext directory hierarchy. I'd rather store my stuff in 'lang/' rather than 'lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/'. The patch adds a 'path format' feature, which allows you to format the directory structure when finding Gettext catalogs, to achieve the effect above. All you really have to do is run: gen.add_path_format(""{1}/{2}.mo""); // Use a smaller hierarchy. to achieve the result that I prefer, or gen.add_path_format(""{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}.mo""); // Use a Gettext hierarchy. to achieve the result that Boost.Locale uses right now. Ripped straight from Doxygen comments: {1} A path to search for catalogs in. {2} The locale's name. {3} The locale's category. {4} The Gettext domain. }}} I apologize for the cut and paste from it but I'm having trouble with trac. The full thread with patches can be found at:",Patches,assigned,Boost 1.54.0,locale,Boost Development Trunk,Not Applicable,,,