id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7308,Property maps from bundled properties (with base member),andreas.zilian@…,Jeremiah Willcock,"In boost 1.50.0 the creation of property maps from a base member in bundled properties worked. After the modifications on bundled properties in boost 1.51.0 the code below fails compilation (gcc 4.7.1). {{{#!c++ #include ""boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp"" struct Base { int base_value; }; struct Vertex : Base { double some_value; }; int main() { using namespace boost; // graph with bundled vertex property adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS, Vertex > graph(1); // accessing members, works as expected graph[ *vertices(graph).first ].some_value = 3.14; graph[ *vertices(graph).first ].base_value = 42; // property maps from bundled properties get( &Vertex::some_value, graph ); // works as expected get( &Vertex::base_value, graph ); // works with 1.50.0, fails with 1.51.0 } }}} The issue is also present for the PBGL.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,graph,Boost 1.51.0,Problem,fixed,"property map, bundled properties, base member",bgrube@…