id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7328,Boost fails to Build with gccxml / msvc9,lomex13@…,Neil Groves,"Heya, I am trying to use gccxml on Boost for a python project i want to build. I ran a freshly-built-from-cvs gccxml: {{{ ""C:\Projects\gccxml\bin\release\gccxml.exe"" -D""_HAS_TR1=0"" --gccxml-compiler msvc9 -I... -I... -D""BOOST_HAS_THREADS"" -D""BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS"" -D""__GCCXML__"" ""C:\Projects\python-ogre\code_generators\ogre\python_ogre.h"" -fxml=""ogre_1.7.2_cache.xml }}} (which points to) {{{ #include ""boost/python.hpp"" #include ""boost/python/ssize_t.hpp"" }}} It fails: {{{ boost_1_51_0/boost/range/concepts.hpp:177: error: 'bool mpl_::operator==(mpl_::failed, mpl_::failed)' cannot appear in a constant-expression }}} And i am honestly far from understanding what went wrong. It might be connected to gccxml not setting the correct version number, as i already had Problems like #4464 using the same setup. Can anyone please give me a hint?",Feature Requests,closed,Boost 1.56.0,range,Boost 1.51.0,Problem,fixed,,