id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7436,Missing python dlls,habdank@…,Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve,"Dears, When I am building boost 1.50 using: b2 --toolset=msvc-9.0 --build-type=complete --without-mpi --build-dir=..\lib_msvc9_x86_p26 --stagedir=..\lib_msvc9_x86_p26 install boost-python dlls are not created. in version 1.45 they had been created. How can I build boost-python dlls? There are boost python static libs. There are other dlls present (e.g. boost-system), so it is rather boost-python package problem or special case of boost build tool chain. Also there is general problem that mentioned commanline options are not creating delivery folder with all important binaries as it was in the past. Regards, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewodzki. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,python USE GITHUB,Boost 1.50.0,Showstopper,,,