id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7477,"boost:::format will not compile under VC++ WITH ""Microsoft language extensions""",Jive Dadson ,"James E. King, III","Boost::format will not compile under Microsoft VC++ unless Microsoft Language Extensions (/Za) are turned OFF. When MS Language Extensions are turned ON, the compiler complains because boost overrides some virtual functions in std:: classes with functions lacking a ""throw()"" specifier. One of the functions is the destructor ~basic_streambuf(). I do not know if this is a bug or a misunderstanding on my part. If it is a bug, I do not know whether it is on the MS or boost side. However, it should be a simple matter to decorate those functions with ""throw()."" That could save someone a lot of trouble.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.66.0,format,Boost 1.51.0,Problem,fixed,format basic_streambuf throw(),