id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7526,zip_iterator does not support std::tuple and std::pair,claas.koehler@…,jeffrey.hellrung,"The boost zip_iterator is not compatible with std::tuple and std::pair The proposed patch solves this problem. Note that I copied some more general tuple algorithms I created for another project. These are all included in the newly introduced namespace helper. Maybe they can be rewritten using boost::mpl, but since I am not familiar with it I used the existing code. Furthermore I encountered the problem, that a specialisation of the template functions in namespace tuple_impl_specific does not work, if this is done outside zip_iterator.hpp. The reason appears to be, that the user overloads are not known to the compiler, when the functions are called. This may be a problem, if users want to specialise for their own tuple class. To overcome this difficulty, I replaced the template functions by template classes, which seem to work even if specialisations are made outside zip_iterator.hpp",Feature Requests,new,To Be Determined,iterator,Boost 1.50.0,Problem,,"zip_iterator, std::tuple, std::pair",flast@…