id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7564,filesystem::path passed to GTest's assertion leads to stack overflow,oliora@…,Beman Dawes,"The following code: {{{ boost::filesystem::path p1(""c:\\123""), p2(""c:\\987""); ASSERT_EQ(p1, p2); }}} leads to stack overflow. It's because when GTest prints the assertion values it examines `path` as a container and try to print its items which are also `path` instances. This leads to recursion and stack overflow. Most probably, the problem should be solved at Gtest side, but personal I think the design when `path` consist of `path`s (infinite recursion) is not very good and should be fixed.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,filesystem,Boost 1.51.0,Problem,,filesystem gtest path stack_overflow,oliora@…