id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 7647,b2 incompatible with _STLP_LIB_NAME_MOTIF in stlport (no library names flexibility) - fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'stlportstld.5.2.lib,Marcello Pietrobon ,Vladimir Prus,"B2 seems too rigid with the searched libraries names used for stlport. It causes problems for someone who needs to use names a suffix _STLP_LIB_NAME_MOTIF that is not empty (see stlport/stl/config/user-config.h). Here I explain the context the context. I've tried (succcessfully) to build boost_1_52 with stlport.5.2.1 with Microsoft vs 2010 (vc10) I've essentially used what suggested in [[BR]] The author of the pages uses _STLP_LIB_NAME_MOTIF in order to specify the compiler's name in the library name, which is what I need too. To build with stlport I've followed the usual procedure: 1- added in tools/build/v2/user-config.jam the lines[[BR]] using msvc : 10.0 ; using stlport : 5.2.1 : /STLport-5.2.1/stlport : /STLport-5.2.1/lib/vc10 ; 2- and issued the command:[[BR]] .\tools\build\v2\b2.exe stdlib=stlport-5.2.1 toolset=msvc-10.0 debug/define=_STLP_DEBUG release --build-type=complete stage What I get is a linking error to the stlport libraries when doing link=shared threading=multi (for example with --with-system)[[BR]] the message error is: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'stlportstld.5.2.lib' This is because stlport.jam ((probably this jam file) '''forces''' the link to the stlport with its own names, therefore '''bypassing''' what is specified in the file STLport-5.2.1\stlport\stl\config\_auto_link.h I wonder why this choice, considering that life was beautiful years ago when this everything was delegated to stlport\stl\config\_auto_link.h. I imagine you had your own reasons. [[BR]] [[BR]] Things therefore work if I do:[[BR]] tools/build/v2/user-config.jam:[[BR]] using msvc : 10.0 ; using stlport : vc10.5.2.1 : /STLport-5.2.1/stlport : /STLport-5.2.1/lib/vc10 ; and issue the command:[[BR]] .\tools\build\v2\b2.exe stdlib=stlport-vc10.5.2.1 toolset=msvc-10.0 debug/define=_STLP_DEBUG release --build-type=complete stage But still there is one strange behaviour which is problematic.[[BR]] Let's take tools/build/v2/user-config.jam again[[BR]] with[[BR]] using stlport : 5.2.1 : ....[[BR]] the library searched was stlportstld.5.2.lib [[BR]] with[[BR]] using stlport : vc10.5.2.1 : ....[[BR]] the library searched was stlportstldvc10.5.2.lib [[BR]] with[[BR]] using stlport : xyz.5.2.1 : ....[[BR]] the library searched was stlportstldvc10.5.2.lib i.e. not stlportstldxyz.5.2.lib [[BR]] And this is a problem, as people may want to build to the stlport libraries also when their name name is modified according to the _STLP_LIB_NAME_MOTIF macro in stlport/stl/config/user-config.h. Hope this will be fixed, if you agree this is a limitation. Again, I wish everything would be left to what is specified in STLport-5.2.1\stlport\stl\config\_auto_link.h ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,build,Boost 1.52.0,Problem,,b2 bjam stlport,